
Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.

We have all heard this a million times, and if it didn’t sound so enticing no one would start their own business.

Between social media marketing, responding to emails, and managing the finances most business owners barely have time to stay hydrated. Their to-do list is long and it takes some serious hustle to get ahead of it all. Finding a balance between working on their business and doing what they love can be quite the challenge! If they weren’t so busy running their business and could focus on doing what they love, they might find truth in this idea. 

In reality, being successful doing what you love requires work. The good news is there are people like me who are ready to help!

free workbook!

Overcoming Money Blocks

Task Lemonade is all about helping you and your business thrive!

Sometimes, our personal beliefs and attitude toward money can hinder our success.

This workbook is designed to help identify your money blocks and gives steps to overcome them. 


Hi! I’m Trisha
Bookkeeper & Virtual Assistant.

I work to support you and your business to be successful and thrive. I want to help motivate you to reach your goals and live your best life!

Not only am I a business owner myself, but I have worked extensively in customer support and administration for large and small businesses. 

My work experience has led me to find ways to streamline processes, and increase efficiency. It has taught me to focus on how each function relates to another, and how important it is to think big picture. I love putting systems in place and making the most of my time with automation so things run smoothly every day.

These are my goals when working with clients: to find ways to make their lives easier, and to manage the mundane so they have more time and energy to stay motivated and focused!

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Zesty books

can bookkeeping be fun?

A community for small business owners that want to manage their own books but need structure and motivation.

Click below to find out if this group might be right for you!

the reviews

Trisha was detailed, worked very quickly and completed all tasks with excellence!

She was able to help me find several new planner partners with her research, which increased monthly revenue at Chancey Charm. Trisha is easy to work with, you won’t regret it!

– sarah

mundane managed

Remember why you started?

As a task manager, I handle those mundane administrative items on your to-do list, what I like to call lemon tasks, so you can get back to focusing on what matters most in your business right now. Giving you a chance to doing what you love; get back to the reason why you started your business. 

Want more information on the tasks I manage?